Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Last day in school.

7th, November, 2oo8, Friday, was graduation day for form5 students T.T
actually I don't remember what's had happens that day.. Just remember sedikit only..

In the morning don't know what time, we had a jamuan for Pn.Quek and athletics.. But mainly is for Pn.Quek de lar.. Because she leave SMKTC and teaching in other school, so Olahraga organize a something farewell party for Pn.Quek lor...

She really a very responsible and good and friendly and kind teacher.
Finally she willing to take picture with me..
She doesn't like to take photo with her student look de.
PY, hehehehe.
Pn.Radiah. Our school principal.
Sang Kent.
The teacher that I loveeee the most. Cik Law.
She's teaching me EA.
Kuan Zhou. I don't know how to spell his english name. -.-
How could Eachuan's teeth be so nice one?
I also brush my teeth everyday de wor.
Irene. The small small teacher in our class.
Thanks for teaching us so many.
Mei Xian. :D
The girls that I joined them last time :] and Yong Heng.
Lih Ying and Rainie aka Li Mei.

When the jamuan going to end. I have a idea to take a photo that I jump infront of my school hall. And Wing Yee aka Chloe is helping me to take the picture.

Take 1: Jump dao so funny.
Take 2: Have jump up jiu take ler.. I look lika stomochache. Hahaha
Take 3: Jump dao abit only.
Take 4: Again haven jump dao -.-
Take 5: AGAIN!!! Jump dao abit only.

After took some of the jumping photo by Wing Yee, saw that we can't take the photo nicely so that pass the camera to Cui Zhen.

Take 6: Jump dao ler!! But where is my leg has been?
Take 7: This can lar...
Lazy to jump anymore, starting sweating that time ler..

之后,我们就有毕业典礼咯。Before毕业典礼之前,我们SPM calon要上班排桌子椅子。然后毕业典礼的时候就颁奖和certificate lor,给那些100%出席率的同学,和discipline很好的同学(就是没有中过borang那些啦),还有那些不知道什么奖(不知道啦,反正又不是我拿,理这样多做么?)

Andrew, his smile is so fake -.-
Mic, Popo and I.
Wing Yee: I don't want take picture! I don't want take picture!!
Chin Xin Yee.
Fong Lai Ying.
A very close friend when I was form3.
Yeo Yeong.
Kwan Lian, eyes soooooo BIG O.O
Swu Ching (her name spell like that?)
Ah Giam get the 100% full attendance cert.

所有certificate颁完了后,好象是唱国歌和校歌。之后老师们就站在台下一排跟学生握手。有点不爽一些马来老师咯,当走到她们那边要跟她们握手的时 候在那边摆臭脸哇,好心,我们是尊敬你们才跟你们握手的好吗?以为我们很想跟你们握啊?你们这些又不是很好的老师,跟你们握手就已经很好了,不要就“弹开”啦,霸着位子在那边,还有其他junior要跟我们握手都没地方站好吗?


然后就排队握握手咯,我握到Cik Law那边就开始哭了,我好不舍得她:(

When lining up. Don't know why my mouth sengek liao,
maybe feel abit nervous I will cry gua.
Pn.Radiah. I wondering that will she feels tired.
She hug every form5 students.
Cik don't know what. This teacher very very sayang me
when she teaching my History when form3.
Seldom got History teacher sayang me de because my History very teruk.
Pn.Yeap. A very good BC teacher, very kesian is she got many things to do
and can't always come in our class when her period.
Pn.Chua Lay Min, her name mostly same with my name.
Pn.Tan. This teacher very sayang me too :] she still owe me a
Secret Resipe cake since last year till now.
Math teacher. I wonder why she so loves our class since almost every teacher very hate/dislike and worry about our class."Which teacher don't like this class oh? This class very good if compare to other class."She said this. Abit zadao.
Miss.Ma. She very sayang me too when I was in form2.
But now no more sayang ler :P

然后很多人就哭哭哭,Mic和Wing Yee很衰的咯,人家在哭她们好象没有feeling酱,还在那边discuss farewell party的时候要玩什么歌哇 -.- zadao~~ 最好笑就是因为我哭嘛,然后我哭着回到去Mic那边,就没有什么哭了,然后我一离开她们我又开始哭,一跟回她们一起又停止哭,还蛮累的咯酱哭下停下哭下停下…


Pui Yin. I want her leg lor, she has a very nice leg.
Sin Mun, Nicole, Sook Teng.
Yi Bin!!! A very good boy but he always want to be a bad boy.
Terng Gin. Thanks for always helping me to print things. Hahaha.
Huey Ping. Her result improve so much lor.
Jia Chiann. Friendship started from standard 1 till now.
But now not very cloase only.
Wei Chung, he just can't smile properly.

He has a pair of beautiful eyes. I look ugly -.-
Form3 friend :]
Form3 friend too. (sorry I failed to memorize their names..)
Douglas. Form2 friend.
Ming Jaw.
Andrew again.
Kelvin Chua.

Ah mao walking hahahahaha
Ah yong~
Can't you believe the teacher is guru disiplin?
I don't know why they want to take this kind of picture -.-
四大天王 and Irene.
Sue Yoong acting cute LOL!!!
Turns Kwan Lian and Joseph.
Mr. Moon. You know I know He knows :D


:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

哇哈哈!!我喜欢你们强暴john toh的那张照片..我也无法想像你们跟他的关系那么的close..哈哈!不错不错..