Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Me :D

新的一年要到了 lu ~没有想到我来到这世界上都有 17 年 7 个月酱…姐姐说我每一年样子都好像在变酱,虽然我也是酱觉得,但是也没有变到怎样去…

在家里得空得空酱,就 scan 我小时候的照片进电脑,post 上来给你们看,看我的样子是不是一直在变…哈哈哈哈

P/s: if below pictures you cant see clearly you can click to enlarge.

应该是差不多 1 岁的时候,没有想到原来小时候我也有大眼睛…怎么现在会没有了咧?
Sis and I..
I was quite active when I was small I think..
Look like a boy.
阿爸以前的 look 都几好笑一下下的 wor。:DDDDEveryone loves me I think..感觉上我的笑容是“嘿嘿嘿,终于成功得到大姨的心”的感觉。
好阴险的笑脸哦。姐姐和阿姨和我。为什么是我姐姐切蛋糕的?好像是我的生日来的 wor,她以为是她生日啊?没有想到我小时候都几大人一下的,竟然跟我妈妈 pose 好兄弟那种搭肩膀的 pose。应该是两三岁的时候,终于开始像女孩子一点。
We are the poser :D
我觉得那个 bag 对我来说有点大个和有点厚… -.-
原来在很久以前我和妈妈就已经上演过“you jump,I jump”的情节,Titanic copy 我们原来。
都跟你说了我小时候常去 zoo。我觉得我的 pose 蛮 cute 一下的哈哈哈
我拿的奖其实是考第 5 名和写字美美奖。
大人们真的很奇怪…我明明拿的不是画画奖却要我站在一堆画前拍照,好像我拿画画奖酱。 -.-
小时常去阿姨家玩,没想到大了也唱去…我在 The One 上学的时候要住阿姨家。不错啦,可以游泳,想到都蛮开心一下下的。
我和 Coco。请相信你眼睛所看到地东西,戴眼镜那女孩真的是我。
我养过 11 只狗而我家现在有 3 只。



踏他!!! (is Tada~ not step him..)
你们不要 hamsap 然后 click enlarge 来看我的点点啊~

Bye Bye 2oo8

It's last day of 2oo8 and we should say bye bye to 2oo8 and say Hi to 2oo9.

Bye bye 2oo8.

Hellolo 2oo9.

But what I want is SHOOOO 2oo9. I want 2oo8.

Genting Trip'o8

Here comes the Genting post~ Finally I manage to edit and upload all the photos that taken at Genting, so now I can blog about it..

Okay, I went to Genting on 16th-18th Oct 2oo8.. 3 days and 2 nights trip..

文庆他们说 8.30am 在学校集合然后去吃早餐,但是我和伟仲7点多就到学校了,因为我们不酱早出门的话,等下就没有交通载我们来学校。

早早来到学校没有东西做,就去 7-eleven 买杯面带去 Genting 吃。买了后,我们就想说去家豪家等其他人来…因为那时才差不多 8 点酱而已。结果当我们去到家豪家,家豪刚好出门,然后我们又去 7-evelen 附近那边的茶餐室吃早餐…早知道不要去家豪家,害我和伟仲拿着重重行李走来走去 -.-

然后就吃吃吃早餐,看到 Michelle 的妹妹 Sarah,但是我认错她当 Michelle,还叫很大声,还好没有什么人听到我叫错人,要不然我就很 paiseh 咯。然后其他人就陆陆续续地到了咯…然后我忘了几点,我们就搭 Taxi 去 Tasik Selatan 的 LRT Station 集合其他的人。然后又不懂几点,我们就搭 KTM 去不懂哪里要坐 bus 上 Genting。结果原来我们的 bus 12.30pm 才来…那时我们好像是 10 点多就到那边了。

然后就还要等很长的时间咯,就在 Mcdonald 谈天,然后陪 Irene 去按钱,因为她带很少现金出而已,结果不知道为什么按不到,还好有 Kelvin 借钱给她。

然后过了很久 bus 来了,我和伟仲坐,因为没有人要跟我们坐,可怜的我们被人家遗弃。然后就在 bus 讲话讲话讲话,一直笑,因为不知道为什么那时觉得伟仲讲的话很好笑,其实现在想起来都不知道为什么那时我会觉得很好笑,傻傻的。那个 bus 的位子很小很窄咯,而且我跟伟仲坐,位子变更窄。哈哈哈哈哈 get 到我什么意思吗? xD 我知道我很坏 :P

Kwan Lian say this pic we look very LC.
Big head aka 文庆
Want to take Ka Hoe's pic but at last take dao my head only.
Hahaha Ka Hoe looks so funny.

“sei lor, fen jiok jor ah?!” (死咯,睡着了啊?!)

“没有” 我闭眼睛很冷静的回答他。我觉得他很笨咯!才那一分钟不到的时间我有可能酱快睡着吗…傻傻的他。原来他也很怕没有人跟他谈天的。

然后我就一直笑笑笑,就到 Genting 半山了。然后我们就不懂去一个类似动物园的一个什么馆玩。

Baby shark.
Nemo Nemo!!! :D

This fish looks very funny de lor.
Look like want kiss ppl like that.

Hahahahaah! xD

This very cute

Look very fake.

I touch it!! :D
我和 parrot 深情对望。

Colourful bird.

This chicken geh head very weird.

Their sleeping pose very geng.
Wont drop de wor they sleep.

Very fake right?
跟 parrot 自拍.

Got a monkey on Irene!
This parrot like very shy like that!!
红 pok pok 的它的脸。Very cute.

The parrot angry ler.

This don't-know-what-name-animal look like die liao.
But actually he is sleeping -.-
His friend keep step on him but he like no feeling.
Very cute geh monkey.
We wonder where is this chicken's head.
Bcoz we cant find its eyes and mouth etc.
I look like im only 150cm -.-
Big head look like having constipation.

After that, we went to take the Sky Way cable car to go Genting lor. Wei Chung take another cable car ler. 我发现很高的人都有畏高的咯…180cm+ 的都很怕高酱。在 cable car 里面 Kelvin 很好笑咯,因为我们在 cable car 里面很 high 然后就一直喊然后尖叫,然后他一直骂我们不要吵静静坐着,我们越喊他越怕,哈哈哈哈哈,然后他还一直叫我们静静坐着不要动不要摇,因为他很怕 cable car 摇来摇去。
Saw Sue Yoong and Wei Chung?

Kelvin very scared! Hahahahaha.

Look at Kelvin -.-

Nice view in cable car.

After that we reach Genting and we went to First world hotel and waiting to check in.

So real lor.
If my art project can make till like this, sure very high score de lor.

In the room 779.
Im wearing my hat and irene's hat and my scarf.

Kwan Lian.
Half of Kwan Lian and Irene and I.

然后好像是5点多酱就去 Snow World。然后我和伟仲就一直躲去一边因为 E1 的人都玩到很疯,有些玩完出来好像刚洗完澡酱整身湿湿,很恐怖。然后那时我开始有点不舒服所以我也没有玩滑滑。
Cant bring camera in so I only can curi use hp to take photo.
Wei Chung and I.. hahaa he look like ghost.
Us again but I guess you cant see him.

Hahaha look at Irene!!
Kwan Lian eat so many hor.

The Dreamz show ticket.

然后又不知道多少点,我们就去看那个 Dreamz show 咯…不是很好看咯其实,可以讲说有点无聊我觉得,除了有一 part 有 4 辆摩托车在一个球里面转转转好看而已…还有就是他们的音乐是 live 的,很好看。

After the show we went to have a walk at outside.吹冷风,很爽。我还脱掉冷衣在那边吹,因为真的很爽,结果最后生病了,更爽 -.- 。Feel kinda regret I didn't listen to Wei Chung when I started to sick... After that we went back our room.. Clean up ourselves and go find the boys lor.
Kwan Lian and me. I look so pale.
Joseph at the back.

After that the boys abandon we girls so we went to startbucks to have a drinks. We just don't want to stay at the room and stay up so early. It's not fun if we sleep so early in Genting right?

So greedy use so many straw.

I drink the Fc*k nut again hahahaha!
You know I know Chloe knows and Michelle knows. xD

See. Kwan lian drink dao so dirty.

After the coffee section, it's time for sleep so we went back to our room. Ka Hoe came to our room and secret secret secret then I want to sleep but then Kwan Lian and Irene is still chatting and I started to sick and almost pengsan and almost knock the wall but thanks God I didn't.

The 2nd day. I was not very feeling well because of some secret reason and sickness.. I didn't have my breakfast or you can say I cant eat a thing... Haiz but then after that everything goes okay when someone talks with me Hahahaha I know you don't understand what Im talking.

When into theme park and I only played 4 games -.- the first game was the swing and I was so so so regret I choose to play the 2nd game... the cup... Neh the turning cup that can make ppl faint that one. After I played the cup game I really don't feel that I was okay, should thanks to Wei Chung because 他转那个杯转到很够力。他害了我和 Kuan Hin -.-。 I want to play the pirate ship but I cant make it -.- I missed many games. 我就一直休息休息休息,可怜的伟仲也没有得玩。然后我觉得会有些路人会以为我是鬼咯,因为我靠在椅子睡的时候,我的头发都盖完我的脸。 Haiz.... suddenly miss my hair very much tim....

Then the 3rd game is ferris wheel lor.

I keep my camera in locker so not much picture I have take in theme park. I take with my hp.. Bad quality picture.
Wei Chung.
The couple.

And the 4th game is putt putt car.

其实我们在theme里面玩到一半有出来,因为我们有 free lunch。然后吃了午餐后我们就回房休息,很好,我可以睡觉。然后不知道几点给伟仲电话吵醒,他自己一个人醒了其他人还没醒所以他打给我看我醒了没有,屁股人害我没得睡 -.-。然后我和Irene就去他房间找他,找找下结果整房的人也醒了,然后我们就回 theme park 玩。


之后男生就去吃晚餐因为我们女生还要睡。然后我们醒了后已经是9点多了没记错的话。然后 Kelvin、伟仲、家豪和 Sue Yoong 就陪我们去 Micdonald 吃晚餐。

吃了后我们几个人就分散,Irene就跟我和伟仲。我们就去玩 ferris wheel again。然后我们就去玩在 ferris wheel 旁边的一个鹿鹿车因为其他人都玩那个我们就跟大队。伟仲很好笑,玩的时候他很怕他就跟我讲“喂!我很怕,很恐怖er,快点跟我讲话,快点分散我的注意力!”
I think this pic taken when I playing ferris wheel.
Taken when I playing 鹿鹿车.

This sticker very funny.
This boy very leng zai er~~

然后我们就去 room 780 帮 Sue Yoong 庆祝生日,给他 suprise。
Wei Chung, me, Kwan Lian, Ka Hoe, Sue Yoong and Big head.

Kelvin thought his bday meh -.-

Hahaha the way he take photo.
Take take take and snap snap snap.
Big head -.-

18 sx.

Then we went to boys room awhile because of some reason we have no our room key. But then we found that Ka Hoe had our room key... Should take out the key earlier mar Xin Shangg.

While waiting Kwan Lian.
What pose he posing? hahahaha xD

然后第三天就 check out 了,不是很记得今天发生过什么事因为我已经发烧到有点严重。我只记得我一整天只吃了一条 papaya。
