Went to Leisure Mall after church with dad, thought of getting a new hair-dryer but can't find any of it that i like.. Got invited to go Shu Ni's house for swimming hehehehehe.
I love my hair very much :DDDD
1pm went to church again to met Shian them again, to go Shu Ni's house together hehehe. Sook Yee and Zhi Yong and Wei Lin went back their home to get clothes for swimming, so Bao, Poh Ling, Shu Ni, Shu Ni' sis, Wai Keat and me wait them at Shu Ni's house hehehehehe.
Sometimes I do miss my long hair very much..
4pm when Sook Yee them reach, deng deng deng swimming section lu~~~ hahaha but we used quite alot of times to change our clothes for swimming =.=
After swimming, go and bath and went to playground awhile..
The big girl Sook Yee.
Then then then went to Midah area (I think there is Midah la..) to have dinner hehehe, Wei Lin, Sook Yee, and me had Bak-Ku-Teh as our dinner hehehe. Poh Lin had 猪脚醋 as her dinner and for others, i dunno = =
Then then then after that, went back to Shu Ni's house again. Pass by a playground hehehe.

Then bye bye we went home : (
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