Friday, July 18, 2008

Bon Odori 2oo8

Went to school in the early morning today, because we have a so-called carnival held at school.. dunno what Hari Keusahawan.. haha.. and our club.. Kelab Kebudayaan-Muzik is going to sell drinks(and pudding) later.

Chloe told me that she will reach school at 6smth yesterday. I was rushing to school cause i was late. When i reach to school, i didn't found any member of club music there, thats mean i was the 1st(i mean among the member of club music lar) who reach school, and i keeping walking around to found did anyone was at school with me.. but ended up, i decided to call Chloe lor(hp credit running low that time), she told me that she still at hom now =.= that time almost 7.00 ler leh. After that, joshua reached, i asked him to take care of my bag and i went to play baskeball.

Play basketball with a form4 guy, we played "turtle", and i lose.. grrrrrrr..

After that, everybody reached, and we go to carpark(our stall at there) and start decorate out stall.

Haiz.. lazy to talk about carnival ler, so jump to after the carnival ended lar :D

We went back home after the carnival ended, back home to prepare for Bon Odori.. Michelle back with me too. At 1st we decide to get a short-rest, but then we just talking and talking, until we have to go to bath and prepare all the thing. We talked many lar, talked about my character, talked about us, haihhhhh.

4pm went to school again, meet our friends and waited for the bus to fetch us go to Bon Odori that held at Shah Alam XXXXXX Stadium(i dunno whats the stadium name!!)

When we reach there, saw many cute girls wearing yukata lar!!!!! and boys wear too(but boys look like wearing pyjamas :P) feel like wanna wear yukata too! But i think its very hot if wear yukata at there.

When go in to the XXXXXX Stadium, wahhhhhhhhhhh~~ people mountain people sea you know!!! And we start finding food to eat.. hehe.. but kinda expensive the foods at there, but very nice lar.

Afterthat got some programmes is Drum Performance and dance performance. Those japanese boys(young boy tim~ woohoo) went up to the stage and played drum. Janpanese girls went up to the stage and dance right after the drum performance. Most of people that near the stage dance together, including me :D very fun lar

erm.. i better stop here now lar, coz i really felt lazy to post about today. D:

p/s:photos will upload next time, because of the stupid-streamyx D: rawr~!!!

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